The Havanese Club of America, Inc.

For all intents, I will limit this discussion to clubs planning to hold events under the HCA license. Local clubs interested in securing AKC recognition should deal directly with AKC Club Relations and Events Planning Departments.

1. Start your planning at least a year in advance. AKC Events requires that applications be filed at least 16 weeks prior to the event date. This is also the time to contact the HCA Show Events Committee. You will need to file an annual event application and it will be necessary for the committee to obtain HCA Board approval of your proposed event.

2. Consider your local clubs experience, when trying to decide what sort of event to hold. Decide whether to hold an Independent Specialty, a Designated Specialty, or a Supported Entry. The latter two require that you work with another club, usually all-breed or group. Plan and consider any additional programs, classes or attractions you plan to offer in conjunction with your event. These may include sweepstakes, clinics, health tests, CGC tests, or seminars. Each of these activities may require special rooms or facilities and consideration should be given to these requirements.

3. Consider possible shows in your area, giving thought to their sites and facilities, are they suitable for your specialty as well as the other activities you have planned? Evaluate these Shows, are they generally well run and organized? Is the site accessible with adequate parking? Shows that seem plagued with problems, and lack of organization should be avoided. Discuss your plans with officers of the show-giving club, consider their receptiveness to your plans and ideas. Many larger clubs have programs and policies in place for specialties and supported entries. Just sign on the doted line and your in. Smaller clubs are often very receptive to your ideas and proposals, and are more willing to allow your club to participate in the selection of the judging panel. If the breed judge has been selected, decide whether this judge will increase or diminish your entries. If the judging panel hasn't been selected, be prepared to offer suggestions. If you are planning sweeps start your judges search. The HCA Show Events Committee and HCA Judges Education Committee can provide you with suggestions.

4. Once you have decided on a site and a club to work with, file your application with HCA SEC ( Show Events Committee ). SEC will review your plans and make a recommendation to the HCA Board.

5. HCA SEC will send a letter of inquiry to the show-giving club explaining your intention of a specialty. It is usually advantageous to have a few members of your local Havanese club present at the next meeting of the show-giving club to answer questions and provide details regarding the anticipated event.

6. The show-giving club provides a letter of consent to the HCA SEC and your specialty application is sent to AKC Events Dept for approval. Remember that this should be accomplished at least 8 months prior to the actual show date. Note, if you are planning an Independent Specialty a Disaster and Emergency Plan must also be filed with AKC Events.

7. Your local Havanese club should form a show committee to coordinate with the show-giving club and the HCA SEC. Pay special attention to: trophies, judges, premium list copy ( and its due date ) and catalog advertising due dates. Consult with HCA SEC and the many HCA Education Committees to help plan special programs, clinics, seminars and demos for your event.

8. After your specialty please file a specialty report with HCA SEC. This will provide information regarding the overall success of your event, as well as a pool of new ideas that other clubs can successfully utilize in the future.